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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Aura Fever

Grandma says, "I have Aura Fe-vah!"

My Aura is on the way, shipped last Thursday.  That could mean...TOMORROW!  I've seen photos, some specs, diagrams, etc, but I really, really, really want to get my  hands on that wheel.

Today I received a delivery of nine Schacht looms - 6 Crickets, two Flip Folding Looms (really gorgeous looms!) and a Wolf Pup.  Nothing is assembled.  My house is full of cardboard boxes, heddles, shuttles, and raddles, but i will clear a space for Aura when she comes! 

Yeah, the workshop is kinda crazy!  My daughter gives her senior recital tomorrow night, I've got a house full of company, but when Aura gets here, MOVE OVER LOOMS AND PEOPLE!  My espeically handy-with-tools girlfriend Kerry will come over and help me assemble it, and I'm sure we'll both try spinning.  I'll try to get in at least a couple of hours of spinning, different fibers, different kinds of yarn.  Then I'll write down what I think and share it here.  I'll be really honest.  I will pull  no punches.  You will definitely get my first impressions.  Might be Saturday, might be Sunday.  It will depend on when the wheel comes, and how much time I can carve out.

BUT I AM SO EXCITED!!!!  I'll keep you all posted!

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